GAIC Releases 2022 Annual Report
The Globalization, Accessibility, Innovation, and Care (GAIC) Network has released its 2022 Annual Report. The report showcases how the network has grown into an international, interdisciplinary academic network through the studying of changes in society, access to health care, and global changes in demographics and technology. Currently, GAIC has 26 Ph.D students that are working on research projects on FAIR Data, refugee trauma, migration, mental resilience, human trafficking, ethnographic study, and community health,
"GAIC links inquiry of digital innovation, health and humanities, social sciences, and cultural studies. By investigating extraordinary phenomena in different places, a comparative and critical perspective with regards to findings is encouraged", said Prof. Dr. Mirjam van Reisen, Coordinator GAIC.
The network is divided into thematic peer groups which are FAIR-based Data Management for Quality of Healthcare, Cultural Entropy in Organizations, Policy Entrepreneurs in Agenda-Setting - Governance Transformation Processes, Resilience in Unstable Situations, Health, and Gate-Keeping in Digitalizing Societies.
GAIC has 25 supervisors which include KIU Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Mouhamad Mpezamihigo, Prof. Dr. Mirjam van Reisen, coordinator of GAIC; Prof. Dr. Francisca Oladipo, the executive coordinator of VODAN Africa, Prof Ronald de Jong, and other international experts.
Other highlights of the report include its research projects like the Digital Innovation and Skills Hub (DISH), an eLearning platform developed to provide access to youth and women to develop employment skills, and VODAN Africa, a collaboration of researchers and health practitioners across fifteen African countries that have created a digital platform to enable access to critical data needed from Africa to fight the novel COVID-19.