• info@vodan-totafrica.info

VODAN Africa Presents the Africa Health Data Space Strategic Goals for 2024-2030


To deepen the commitment of VODAN Africa to developing a digital health space where interoperable data are used to gain actionable insights, the VODAN Africa Board has developed a strategic roadmap for the Africa Health Data Space for 2024-2030.

The potential for machine-actionable data is still obvious, according to the report, the Africa Health Data Space "is based on health data curated as Findable, Accessible under well-defined conditions), Interoperable and Re-usable (FAIR) that is machine-actionable, and creates a space for strong high quality and ethical data for analytics. Thus, the Africa Health Data Space was developed with these assumptions:

  • Data can reside in the health facility where the data is produced (just as the patient records do), or held under the control of the facility.
  • Data is useable for analytics within the health facility and can contribute to quality health services at the point of care.
  • Data can be visited for deidentified computational analytics across health facilities and across borders through algorithmic data visiting.
  • The creation of an inclusive data pipeline across larger and smaller areas and facilities in connected and remote areas will increase the representativity of the data, remove poverty-based bias and assist in pandemic preparedness; The creation of interoperable health data will increase the relevance of digital health innovations and assist in the horizontal integration of these innovations.

The innovation of the Africa Health Data Space (AHDS) is a pioneering federated data architecture (Findable, Accessible - under well-defined conditions, Interoperable and Re-usable data, strictly adhering to Ownership, Localisation, and Regulatory compliance (OLR). This concept is called FAIR-OLR. The vision is to create a robust, integrated health data infrastructure in Africa that leverages data analytics to improve health outcomes, particularly in vulnerable and poverty-stricken communities.

The Africa Health Data Space is a robust and integrated health data infrastructure across the African continent, leveraging advanced data analytics to significantly improve health outcomes. It leaves no one out, it is tested in vulnerable, low-connectivity and impoverished communities. By empowering healthcare providers with real-time, context-specific risk analytics at the point of care, the project aims to transform clinical decision-making processes, thereby strengthening overall health systems.

Based on the original orientation of FAIR, the mission of the Africa Health Data Space is anchored on three core pillars: BUILD, CHANGE, and TRAIN. Each pillar focuses on a critical aspect of establishing and maintaining a federated network that adheres to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. 

BUILD emphasizes the creation of a FAIR federated network, ensuring data usability and local ownership through standardized tools and languages, a feat VODAN has already successfully demonstrated. 

CHANGE aims to foster a regulatory environment that integrates FAIR principles into data management frameworks, setting standards for interoperability and collaboration and making sure that all operations are adapted to an African setting. 

TRAIN is dedicated to developing the necessary skills and expertise to sustain the federated architecture, ensuring ongoing support and competence in managing the network. Together, these pillars provide a comprehensive approach to enhancing data interoperability and accessibility while maintaining stringent data governance.

In order to realise the African Health Data Space, VODAN has established a ten-year time frame with milestones, against which to measure progress from the development of a Proof of Concept in 2020 to the full-fledged integration of the Africa Health Data Space in the Global Data Space in 2030, which will serve public and private sector customers. This timeline aligns with the establishment of the Internet on FAIR Data and Services during the 2020-2030 decade.

Download the VODAN Africa  Africa Health Data Space Strategic Goals for 2024-2030