• info@vodan-totafrica.info

2022-2023 Annual Report Adopted by the VODAN BOARD 

2022-2023-annual-report-adopted-by-the-vodan board 

From the onset, the mission of VODAN Africa has been clear and hinged on the need to leverage critical data for solving health challenges across Africa through the power of FAIR Data. This Annual Report highlights the progress and milestones achieved by the VODAN Africa Initiative. 

Central to the visible achievements recorded by VODAN Africa are the multisectoral and interdisciplinary collaborations across institutions and high-level engagements with critical stakeholders. Thus, VODAN Africa is now an eco-system of passionate innovators, scientists, policymakers, researchers and partners working together towards enhancing health data analytics across the participating African countries in the VODAN Africa Project and beyond.

The name change to Value-Driven Ownership of Data and Accessibility Network highlights our deepened commitment to ethical, social, and economic values in data management, ownership, and accessibility. With a network of 15 Federated Stores, 15 FAIR Data Points, and Fairified data from 20.000 patients which provide 350.000 triples from nine months of recording patient data, VODAN Africa aims to produce continuous, real-time, high-velocity clinical observational data from underrepresented communities in digital health.

Results Recorded.

  • A Minimal Viable Product (MVP) with federated mini-services was deployed in 2022 in real life and the conditions of deployment in resource-poor situations were tested. 
  • A pilot production of a quality data pipeline in the Africa Health Data Space was executed in 2023 (finished December 2023) in real life with 12 participating health facilities in 4 countries (Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia).
  • The potential of deploying VODAN’s MVP with federated mini-services was tested in 2022 across 73 health facilities in seven countries.
    The real-life data quality pipeline was set up in 2023 comprising 20.000 patients and 350.000 triples generated and stored in 12 health facilities in 4 countries in 2023. The goal is to reach 40.000 patient beneficiaries (Antenatal Care - ANC and Out-Patient Department – OPD data) in 2024.
  • In 2022, trainees included 73 data clerks in health facilities, 3.160 pre-university students, 36 certified data stewards (4 levels, 5 countries), and 3 specialised experts. 
  • In 2023, trainees included 20 data clerks in health facilities, 100 pre-university students, 36 Data Clerks; 37 Certified Data Stewards (4 levels, 5 countries), 15 experts, and 11 Certified Health Facilities.

The report also captured the VODAN Africa business case, governing structure, and financial Report.

Download the full report