Training of Trainers
This Training of Trainers (ToT) is set up to develop African expertise in FAIR Digital Health Data Management.
First Phase ToT Activities
US GO FAIR Webinar Series (April 2020)
- A 4-part webinar series was hosted and coordinated by Christine KirkPatrick of San Diego Supercomputer Center, on April 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd.
- On the first web series, Barend Mons, President of CODATA and Founder of GO FAIR started with “An Introduction to the Virus Outbreak Data Network”.
- The second series was presented by Professor Mirjam van Reisen, the Global Coordinator, VODAN Africa. She explained VODAN Africa ToTs (Data Stewardship).
- In the third series, Albert Mons and Luiz Bonino from GO FAIR demonstrated FAIR Data in action using semantics model, ontologies, and the deployment of FDP.
- The last web series was on “Fighting COVID-19 by Mining Insights from Heterogeneous Datasets”, and amazing presentations were made by Peter Rose, Ilya Zaslavsky, Iris Shen, Natalie Meyers, and Eric Morgan.
Metadata for Machine (M4M) Webinar Series
- The M4M webinar series was held weekly from April - September 2020, was majorly conducted by Dr. Erik Schultes, the International Science Coordinator, GO FAIR Foundation.
- The purpose of the workshop was to train Data Stewards that will assist domain experts who want to produce FAIR Data, in creating machine-actionable metadata that satisfies and adheres to the FAIR principles.
- The data stewards were also trained on the deployment of FAIR Data Point (FDP).
Second Phase ToT Activities
The ToT for the 2nd phase was focused on training the data stewards on the following areas
- Creation of templates for the health facilities
- Vocabulary development
- Deployment of CEDAR Localized platform
Third Phase ToT Activities
The ToT for the 3rd phase will focus on training for FAIR Data Production of Clinical Data (Electronic Health Records) in the participating Health Facilities. VODAN-Africa is setting up a FAIR Data Stewardship Center for FAIR Data creation in Africa. Our experts have developed a course on FAIR Data Management which is part of Computer Science Courses on the Digital Innovation and Skills Hub (DISH) learning platform hosted by Kampala International University.
The course is focused on the following areas -
- Statistical Thinking
- Machine Learning
- Training and Testing Machine Learning Models
- Introduction to Regulatory Frameworks and FAIR Data
- FAIR Data Management
- Semantic Data
- FAIR Data Point (FDP) Installation
Course link -